January 23rd, 2017

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Finally at home and in the comfort of my bed.
Anyway, for Health today, we took a quiz on the chrome books and then we did like a activity surrounding the topic today and we're gonna continue that tomorrow.
Art Foundations 2 was good. We talked about unity and how it's going to apply to our first assignment of this quarter. We're gonna do a painting of something and I'm feeling ok with it.
Exploring Tech was just paperwork of measurement...so many numbers though.
Science was normal.
U. S. History was good.
LA was also good and me sitting next to my friends is a good thing, but maybe not for my teacher. I really like that class and I'm thinking of a song that might be something else.
Math was math. I finished my homework and also did my piano lesson!!! Yeah...I was a bit lazy to do it and I did it today, so I'm proud of myself. Really proud...GIVE A PAT ON THE BACK OF MY BACK.
I feel tired and I need sleep.
Anyway, this week is the talent show dress rehearsal and on Thursday is the assembly. I'm excited for it and it's lightly snowing outside from where I live. Well, snow won't stop me from doing the things I love...maybe. This Friday is also the SRI movie and I'm not gonna be surprised if I got on the list. I read and I like it. Some of the books I read give me ideas for my story and maybe short stories. The kickoff for Oakcrest camp is next week and I want to go back to that camp. IT WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CAMP EVER AND I LIKES THE ZIP LINING. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN AND I WANT TO GO BACK. I BUNKED WITH ONE OF MY FRIENDS (who is Mormon and the camp was only for church) AND I WAS HAPPY...well...except the part when we rode to the camp, my FLIPPIN DIS CAME AND WHEN I FOUND OUT, I WAS RAGING INSIDE. I didn't like that and every time I had to go to the bathroom. Well, the good thing was that I brought my things with me and I did not die. Man, I feel old now because of that...bla.
Anyway, this is all. Bye! 📱

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