March 7th, 2017

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Hello guys!

Sorry if I haven't typed these past few days. 

Anyway, today was good in terms as in school.

I'm just going to be happy next week because I'm gonna give a present to one of my friends cause it was their birthday last week on Friday. Unfortunately, they didn't come to school that day and I would've given them the present, but I'll wait. They are going to love it cause it's two characters that they know and love. 

Health was health. We talked about minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, yada yada. 

Art Foundations 2 was good. Right now we're working on the cut out pictures and I've got a theme for it. For it, there's going to be presents with balloons and more presents. I guess I get inspired from some different things like for this art, it's inspired by FNAF. My last one was the tessellations and I MADE A PENGUIN. The first one was by Kingdom Hearts and speaking of that, I really want a FLIPPIN PS4 SO BAD, BUT CAN'T. THE PAIN!!!!

Moving on from that, Exploring Tech was alright. We are still working on building our bridges and I've got the bottom part done and now I need the side and top. Right now I'm working on the side and I've gonna make two cause sides.

Science was eh. We did a poster yesterday for each group and we presented them today. Good job, my group. 

U. S. History was also meh. We talked about the war between Mexico and the United States of America back in 1845. It was interesting in a way and yesterday we talked about the railroad. 

LA was good. We read "The Invisible Man" and I got to say that it's pretty good. Today, we discovered how he looked like and he's a albino. He's very muscular too, which reminds me of a person right now that I know who I know. 

Math was math and I have homework...yay. I almost got it finished and I just need a few more problems. Nothing to big for me.

Lunch was pretty good and I ate southwest nachos. The line today was long and when me and my friends sat down, we only had a few minutes left to eat. Time can fly fast, can it?

So, my day is good.

What about yours?

Well, this is all.

See you guys later! BYE!

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