November 11th, 2016

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In Gym/P.E, we did the stamp run and what that is is just jogging around a rectangle shape outside our school. You had to run three laps and I did good. I'm just thankful that it wasn't the mile run's just pure torture. I CANT WAIT UNTIL NEXT WEEK!!!! We have the field trip next week and I am hyped for that. Today we planted and watered our plants for the plant lab for next week. I'm in a group with Daisy and another girl and we do talk. Normally, I would sit with Alexa, Daisy, Angel and some of her other friends, but today is Friday, so me, Angel and Daisy have second lunch today and what's best is that Natalie also has second lunch!!! Yay! Friendship! Anyway, for U. S History, everyone made ink out of blueberries and smashed them. We added a pinch of salt and half a cap of vinegar to the condescend berries. We also made quills and did the paper thing, but all three of those were fun to make. For my LA class, we still watched "Little Women" and there was like....two or three scenes of, I'm not weirded out by it because it's just not weird, but when I see real people's just....bleh. I don't know why, but my reaction to movie kissing is just blank and with real life.....I can't do it. I have homework, but I'll do that tomorrow because it's Saturday. Yay. So much enthusiasm in it. Bye!
Here is a photo of a new backpack that I got at a store:

 Bye!Here is a photo of a new backpack that I got at a store:

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Thank you for following me and have a great day today!

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