February 2nd, 2017

8 0 4

I just love my friends so much that I can be happy.
Anyway, school today was good and there was some moments  where it was funny. So funny that I'm just still haven't forgotten. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday and school doesn't start until 9:30 for tomorrow.


So, Health class today was pretty normal as we talked about SMART goals and other stuff relating to it. I was just thinking about that when a random thought came to me when I saw one boy give their girlfriend a Monster drink and a ring. One person came to mind and it was Xander, my OC who's well known to just...making Rose angry cause there's a reason why she's angry at him. Not jealous though as she doesn't care if he's with Lillian, who's another one of my OC's and is a pure cinnamon bun. Anyway, he came up and I was like...why am I thinking about him at this time? Then as the thought came, it got out and yeah.
Art Foundations 2 was pretty colorful. I'm now adding color to my drawing and it's coming pretty good.
Exploring Tech was meh. We had some more paperwork and had a substitute today as our teacher didn't come to school as he was sick.
Science today was ok. We talked about fossil formation and what is it. We also had to do a comic about it and I just need to finish the last panel and bam! I'm done. My teacher also announced that her lunch schedule has changed. Now usually on Fridays I have second lunch, but now I don't anymore because she told us that before going to the class, we have lunch next and when lunch is done, we go to the classroom. I'm alright with that because I still get to sit down next to my friends and talk with them during lunch. Nat won't see me during second lunch, but she'll be alright as she as some other friends that she has in that period.
U. S. History was also ok. When I went inside the classroom, there was a wall between the three classes (I'm next to Dubach while the back of us is Dalley's class. I think the school is putting doors for the classes that are sectioned off and it's everywhere in the school.
Lunch time was jdsfjkfsejbsrfbkwhegijwrbgwrui.
Today was the selling of chocolate roses and other things. Me, Abby, and Burgundy went to the main line and grabbed some teriyaki chicken bowl for lunch. When we were waiting in the line, both talked and I just listened to them. I was random and lightly slapped Abby in the arm. She also did lightly slap me hard and then we stopped.
Why do I do that?
Anyway, as we went to sit down, I saw the Valentines Day Gram booth and ate while thinking about getting something. A few minutes later, I was finished and so was my friends. Burg and Abby went to wait for the bell to ring while I sneakily went over to the booth and proceeded to buy two chocolate roses for someone that I know and in a friend way. They gave me a pink paper that said to put your name and who you're giving it to. In the name part, I put "from your friend" with a smiley face beside it. When I was finished with the last thing, I guess both Burg and Abby noticed that I wasn't with them and they found me in time to see me give the pink paper to the cashier. Abby was like, "Who's your special someone?" I looked at her and said, "I'm not gonna tell you, but I'm gonna tell Burgundy." I mumbled that last part and she thought it was for her, but I was like, "No, it's for someone else." To my reply, she replied back, "Don't tell its Nat." I shrugged my shoulders and I tried walking away, but she caught my by my backpack and I accidentally hit the wall behind us and Burg was laughing while I was laughing while Abby was laughing too. Apparently, it seemed like one of those scenes where the dude puts a hand against the wall while the girl is backed up against the wall and a bit scared. It was almost exactly like that, but I wasn't scared, but laughing at it. That scene is...I'm just smiling at that. If you saw that, then maybe you would think or laugh, but that was funny. Ahhh...lunch can sometimes be interesting.
Anyway, LA was work day as we progressed on our essay. I'm close to finishing it and when I'm done, I'm gonna be laid back and chill as nothing happened. There wasn't like nobody in the class and it was a change. It's just that some of my classmates are in Orchestra, Choir, or in Band. I think they had like to perform somewhere and that's why some of the classes felt a bit off.
Math was math
Finished my homework and free of that

So, when school was over, I packed up my things and went out of the classroom door into the hallway. We have two doors that one leads to the hallway while the other one is leading to the outside. Anyway, Abby and Nat waited for me and the three of us walked to exit the school. We passed the library and I saw Alexa, so I said hi to her. We talked a bit, then we said bye to her. While we were close to the exit, Abby said to Nat, "You missed a shipping moment during lunch." Nat was like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." I was silently laughing and we stopped for a while. We were close to the exit and Abby said, "Let me show you what that moment was." Let's say that I accidentally hit my head against the brick wall and I was yelling, "MY HEAD!!!" We were laughing and then we continued on to exit the school. On my way to my moms car, I heard Nat say, "I'm gonna do fan art!" I said back to her, "THEN DO IT." We then waved bye to each other and that is what happened right after school today. Don't you just love your friends?

This is all! See you guys later! Bye! 🍩

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