September 25th, 2016

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Hey! I am sorry that I didn't write anything I'm these last few days. I was busy doing school stuff. Anyway, let's go on!
So, on Friday, we had no school and it was pretty good because no school. Still, I woke up around 7 and I felt so much tired. Usually, I wake up at 7:30 on Fridays and yes, I know it's super early and wondering, why? My sisters need to wake up at 7 something and I always go with them and drop them off by my mom. September is almost over and then comes October!!!! Can't wait till Halloween because I get to eat candy. I don't even have a costume yet and because I want candy, I maybe will think of one. It's super chilly at night. Anyway, it seems short and I have church today, so yeah. This is all. See you guys later.

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