November 22nd, 2016

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TODAY WAS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL AND THIS WEEK IS THANKSGIVING BREAK!!! Wooooo!!!! No school for three days plus with Saturday and Sunday, which equals like five days of no school! For my Gym/P. E, we played kickball in the gym while the other teacher went to the weight room for Zumba. Sadly, we lost. Anyway, for my U. S History class, we still played Thanksgiving BINGO and it was fun, but there was a medium amount of talking and I didn't get a BINGO, but that's alright. During 6th period, we finished chapter two of "Little Women's" and then we watched "Finding Dory." She told me that it was "sweat in my eyes", but I know better that she secretly cried. Man, do the Disney movies make you cry....why? I still have homework and maybe I'll do that later....if I remember and if I feel to lazy. It will depend of that. Well, I don't know what else to say. This is all! See you guys later! Bye!

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