November 23rd, 2016

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Anyway, I stayed up last night because I didn't want to sleep just yet and I did stay up until like 2 or 3 in the morning. I listened to some Pandora, read some fan fiction (Renora and some Amuto), went on YouTube to watch some vines and then watching Shugo Chara. That anime is the by far the most one that I favor because it does teach some that's what I like....well, except that FLIPPIN AMU AND IKUTO SHOULD TOGETHER, but looks like the creators didn't want that to happen. There are some hints to that Ikuto does care and love Amu. He doesn't want her to get hurt by Easter or be  killed. He's cold to her, but in some cases when she needs help, he helps her like that one time when Amu wanted to get Su back from that dude (I can't remember his name), he told her which way and then he mysteriously disappeared. Even though she's like 12-13 and he's 17 (he's a senior), it might be weird to be in a relationship, but oh my gosh. The manga differs from the anime is some ways. One is that there is a lot more of Amuto moments than in the anime cause half of it is just Tadamu...ehhh. Second way is that in the first chapter, Amu runs into a construction place (both do) and falls into a hole and on top of Ikuto. Third is that in the end of (spoiler warning or is it? If you want to read the manga, then yeah. It's good!) the final volume (12), the woman and the dude with the glasses (later on in the volumes, they turn good) got married with each other and there's a huge weeding celebration. In one of the panels, Ikuto and Amu hold hands together and I DONT KNOW ABOUT YOU, BUT I GASPED AND MAYBE SQUEALED AT THAT. It was beautiful and majestic to see that because once you start reading it, you'll ship them. Also, he said in one of the volumes that he'll wait for Amu to grow up and when she does, Ikuto can then date her or possibly be her boyfriend in the future or not. When he said that, I smiled and maybe a tear slid down, but those words the he said was so good! I really wanted them to at-wait.....never mind. I also fell asleep around 2 and when I woke up, I was a bit grumpy, but that faded away.
Anyway, have a good day today and throughout this week! Bye!

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