January 12th, 2017

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I want to stay at home.
Before I start my day at school, today's Thursday and because I'm morman and I go to church, I have a activity today and guess what it is?
Zumba. I...don't know how to feel about this...I guess I don't hate it, but then again its dancing. I like dancing, but Zumba is another thing that is like a dance class, but more on the expert level. I want to go, but I don't want to go because sometimes, we get out late and my parents don't like that because its like 9 or 10 when we get out. I want some chips now...anyway, enough of that and forward to SCHOOL.
Today was our locker clean out day and tomorrow to for Gym and Dance. I already brought my Dance and gym clothes yesterday to home and today I just had to wash the locker. It's quite simple and easy to do as I won't have Gym anymore and instead of that, I'll have Health for first period. Health is going to be fun. Fun.
For FACS Exploration, we sold our cookies that we made this week and our teacher had tables for us out in the hallway and ours was like at the end, but not at the end end. People didn't really come to ours, but in some few minutes later people came and we gave them the cookies for a amount of price. When the cookie selling was over, my teacher handed out some plastic bags to each group and that was our whole amount of money that we made. Ours was a pretty good amount and cookies are awesome!
I'm gonna skip Science and U. S. History because it's not really exciting, right?
I presented my presentation yesterday and I was a bit nervous, but at least I got thorough it. Today was another five going and one of them was Nat. She did good and it must've been scary to go out and present, but she did it and I'm proud of her. After a few minutes, one of my classmates brought Finding Dory and we watched that for the remain of class. It's a movie that will bring tears to your eyes because it's a tear jerker. Why do some movies can hit you hard in the feels and it feels like the end of the world? Gosh, who knew?
I completely forgot that I had homework...well, crap. Looks like there's gonna be a reason for me to not go because I have not done my homework cause I've been on the iPad for quite a while...gotta need to stop now. I'll try to update later on, so this isn't finished and I'm gonna do my homework now! NOT SAYING BYE YET!
Came back from Young Women's and I WAS WRONG ABOUT ZUMBA. It was actually fun and I talked with one of the girls. We both know some common things like ANIME. Well, I only got seven more problems on my math homework and I'm gonna do that after eating some food. Anyway, this is all! See you guys later! Bye! 🏺

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