December 24th, 2016

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Tomorrow is Christmas!!!!
Who's excited?
I am....BUT I FEEL LIKE IM GOING TO BE SICK FOR SOME DAYS. First of all, one of my ears feel like plugged in and the other one is fine. Second, my throats feels like something is stuck in there and I tried to get it out, but it won't come out.
Today, me and my family are going to see a movie and I want to go really bad cause I don't want to miss it! My little sister wants to see it and me don't want to be sick! Being sick is the worst thing ever and I'm so glad that we don't have school next week! Yay for winter break!!!
Ugh....really though....being sick sucks big time....stupid.
Anyway, I'm still gonna continue my other books because that won't stop me!!! I am a seeker of adventures and glories of battles. No cold or flu will stop me!! None shall!
Anyway, this is all! See you guys later! Bye! 📝

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