February 14th, 2017

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Today is Valentine's Day and I have no valentine...I'm good with that. 

School today was just full of me seeing teddy bears and chocolates. There was more teddy bears, but you know one of those huge teddy bears that you see at the stores? I saw some girls with them and in my mind I was like, "...wow...now I want a teddy bear..." 

Anyway, 1st period was Health and today was the GREAT program. It's a program where we talk about gangs and what to do about it. When we went into the classroom, Nat went straight to the white board and with a green dry erase marker wrote "Happy forever alone  day!" with a broken heart to the side of it. It was funny and we both high fived. We are forever alone....but I have my friends! 

Second period was Art Foundations 2 and I have finished my safety poster. It's due on March something and I'm just glad I've finished it. Art was pretty tame and nothing too dramatic happened. I really do like Art and it's fun to me.

Exploring Tech was just reviewing answers on our paper and that's all we did. Right now, it isn't fun because we're just waiting to do the bridge. It's a wooden one made out of wooden sticks and I did one last year. We tested how much it will bear and mine was pretty good. Last year was pretty fun too...wow.

Science was good. We worked on our project that we began last week...I think...or was it on Monday? Anyway, it's like another test of how much our struct ire can hold. Ours can hold two ecology books, a whiteboard, and one 8th grade textbook. This is for the whole classes of science...or I might be wrong...but I know it's for something. 

U. S. History was also ok. We didn't do our usual stuff, but we did learn some facts and different stories about today. We also learned some things about boys when they like girls, they'll show some signs. One example would be that they'll puff out their chests and another one would be (the most common one) their pupils widening. It's the same for girls...then we learned some few things about the psychology about love.  That class was just so not normal, but then it's like a mini break from the stuff that we were doing. 

Lunch came and I ate chicken enchiladas for lunch. During lunch, the high school (which is West Jordan High School) had some dancers to come to my school and they danced a few dances. It was cool to see them and I did have my phone, but I didn't record them. I did, but I guess I was a bit lazy to do it. Overall, their dance was good. 

LA is ok. We worked on our yellow sheet of paper and did some writing on the white sheet, which is the theme of the book that our class is reading right now. The book is called "The Invisible Man" and is by a author. It's good and on our yellow sheet, we had to draw on what the person looked like by the book giving the description. Yay. 

Math was alright. I still had homework and I've finished it, so I'm good. Our student body government brought some chocolate roses and remember what I told you last time? How I got some for someone? I bought some (they were two for three dollars) and they brought it to the last period class. I got mine and those were mine. I sent it to myself, but I bought another...three for two other persons. 

The chocolate roses were given to Nat and Abby. I gave them the chocolate roses and Nat was like, "Did you give me this?" and I replied to her, "Maybe..." She then hugged me and we all went outside with Alyssa. Oh...I really wonder if they will date in high school...who knows? Life has so many things in store with us that we don't know if it's going to be bad or good. It really depends on how we look at it and feel. 

Now that I'm done...I hope you guys have a good day today! See you guys later! Bye! 

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