January 6th, 2017

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Hey, guys! Sorry that I haven't wrote for a while. I was busy with school and had to do my piano lessons. Anyway, today is Friday, is it not?
These past few days have been good and just normal. I guess my feelings would be of content, happy, calm and others. Only six more days until second semester is over and I get to have three new classes while the others are just the same. There's Health, Art 2 and the other one that I can't remember, but I know it. I still have the same lunch everyday....but whatever. School was good and today I had lunch with Natalie and some of my other friends. It was good and it was freezing outside. I didn't want to wake up for school and to top it all off, I'm on my freaking dis. It's the worst thing ever and with that, there is cramps. WHY MUST WE HAVE IT?!!!! I flippin knew it was coming yesterday and I was right. Don't you hate it? I do...so much.
Right now I'm just playing some games on the Wii U and also listening to music at the same time.
Next week for Dance, we're doing our own solo dance and I'm a bit nervous, but it's gonna be fun and I chose a song because for me, a song can help me to make moves and see how it works. I chose "Stitches" by Shawn Mendes because why not? I like that song, so yeah.
For FACS Exploration, we took our SLO today and in that class, we're gonna make cake-cookie mix for next week and worked on a business management worksheet. We are gonna have some classes come in with fake money and see what they buy. I think it's going to be fun.
Science, we took a quiz and I had lunch after that, so I guess I'm happy I got food and for lunch today, I got the main line with one of my friends and it was breakfast bar. It was two pieces of ham, some fires and a apple cinnamon toast. I also got milk and when we sat down, we talked about random stuff. No need to talk about U. S. History because I that class is self explanatory.
For LA, I finished my essay and had it printed out and gave it to my teacher. Class was good and yeah.
No math homework and I'm glad because no homework. Yay! Anyway, thank you for reading and voting this book! See you guys later! Bye! 🎈

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