December 19th, 2016

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Only two more days of school and I can make it through....hopefully and this week might be a bit weird because my bestie left today to got to California. It feels a bit lonely without her, but I do have my other friends that I sit at lunch with and I'm good. It was strange to see her hair straight....totally straight.
Anyway, today felt off because she wasn't here and I guess not me....that doesn't make sense, does it?
We were supposed to do the screening today, but our gym teacher got sick and couldn't come to school today, so we are gonna do that tomorrow. Hallelujah.
Second period was good and we are learning about the energy unit this week and we are gonna create a dance on our own. I like dancing and I usually do that when I'm in my room. One of them is "Evacuate the Dance Floor" by Cascada and other songs. Some may be slow, like a song and others might be fast tempo. Sometimes, I sing to them and I like singing. I'll sing whenever I'm alone or in public, but quietly so no one can hear me. I'm a...well, I'm not that shy about that and ILL SING MY HEART OUT IF I WANT TO!
For FACS Exploration, we're gonna do some cooking tomorrow and it's gonna be fun!

Do I need to tell you about science? No, I don't.

U. S. History? Well, we took our test and worked on our own Declaration of Independence thing. Man, that break up letter though....for a moment I thought it was real, but it wasn't and if it was....I feel bad for that guy/girl who read it. We must learn though our heartbreaks, must we not? I'm sounding like....huh. In LA, I turned in my green paper and the white paper that has to go with it. We'd typed up our essays and typing is good, but when you write....your hand hurts and I know that feeling. I love writing, so do I care? I don't. Math.....meh. So, school today was good and I....crap. Eh, I'll do that tomorrow. Let's shove school away for now and ITS ALMOST CHRISTMAS!
I can wait and it's so, really close.
I can't think of anything else. Huh....anyway, this is all! See you guys later! Bye!☮️

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