December 6th, 2016

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Ugh....I feel so.......anyway, school today was good and just the usual stuff everyday. I practiced volleyball in the Gym because we are doing that unit through the whole month...I think anyway. Dance was dance and then RTI and usually, I'll head one of the classrooms for computer games. I usually listen to music on Pandora and go on a website. Maybe I'll check my email and see, but it's usually not anything.....thing. We finished our presentation for my group and I ate some skittles....TASTE THE RAINBOW 🌈! We also made something and yeah. In LA, we still did like the mini play and like yesterday, it was funny and fun to watch. I kind of do act when I'm at my home because nobody can see me and I act out my characters, like Rose for example. She's a tough girl that can withstand anything that is thrown to her and really doesn't show emotion much and I do like a scenario and act her out. It helps me to be at peace with me arms I need the peace. I still have homework, but I already finished it and also my piano practice!, but really.....I feel not me. I sometimes get mad at myself and....well....let's say when I went to the library today, I had a rough draft for my testimony about faith and then I used google translate to translate it English into Spanish. I was finally finished with it and I printed out the Spanish version. We came back home and guess what? Apparently, I lost not surprising. I flippin took it with me and.....I lost it. I'm in a Spanish ward and I don't have it! Now I want to stab someone.....some people can be confusing and it's hard to figure them out. We've all felt pain, right? I lost the paper and I just went to my room and tried not to cry. Why? I'VE TYPED AND PRINTED THE PAPER OUT AND NOW ITS GONE. It was good too....well, I can go to the library tomorrow to see if I can type it again and print it yet AGAIN. I've already sent my other one to the sister and I just want the Spanish version back in my dis is slowly ending and I'm glad. No more painful stabbing pain....pain, huh? Well, I'm gonna stay up late and thinking of THAT DANG PAPER. Anyway, this is all! See you guys later! Bye! ♣️

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