October 5th, 2016

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WHY DID I FREAKING GET IT YESTERDAY??!!!!! THAT IS THE MOST STUPIDEST THINGS EVER!!! Anyway, that sentence was about me raging about my "unicorn" and what I mean by that is......girls, if you are reading this, then you know what I mean. This morning I'd didn't want to go to school cause I was cold and maybe a bit lazy. Last night was the most horrible thing ever. I twisted and turned so much and I was on my back. It sucks to be on your "dis" and me and my best friend (Natalie) made up the word "dis" to explain what the situation is. For Dance, we are creating a dance using all the improv techniques and 4 devices like group unison or weight dependency. It's due next week and speaking of next week, I need to show my mom a pink slip for FACS. Tomorrow we have a assembly about bullying and tomorrow is like a Friday, except not really. That means me and Nat have the same lunch!!!! Yay!!!! Friendship forever!!! Anyway, this is all! See you guys later!

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