Novemeber 4th, 2016

10 1 0

How much can something dislike in life.....WHY?!!! Hi, guys. Today was a late start day and it was good.....except that my DIS came today.....well, it was last night while I was sleeping. I woke up to go to the bathroom and bam! It was there and I'm now used to it, but I MEAN COME ON?! IT FLIPPIN CAME LAST NIGHT AND ITS JUST LIKE.....BOI, WHY?! Mentally, I was over and done. No feelings and devoid of it. I went to school and then I went to the locker room to change into my gym clothes. For Gym/P. E., we had fitness day today and it's every Friday and it can be fun or eh. We had to jog around the gym for 2 minutes and with my DIS, it was terrible. I lived through it, so I give myself a pat to the back. Anyway, Dance was just clapping along to the tempos and finding out if it's slow, medium or fast. I finished my pillow case and I put, ironed and sewed the monogram on. It was a letter "R" for my first name, Ruth. I still have B-lunch today and I have it everyday,'s ok? I like to get my food now rather than to wait like an hour to get it, but that's how school lunch for me works. I have lunch with Natalie today and I'm happy about that. Last year, we almost had the same classes together and we had the first lunch together everyday (except for Friday's). Now that I'm thinking about that, me and her didn't really have that much friends. I'm still friends with Daisy, but she has friends of her own and so do I. Whenever I see both of them, they remind me of my elementary school years. I wasn't very talkative when I was little and I guess I was a bit shy. I think throughout my three years (or four....I don't remember) of elementary, I was pretty much a loner. I wanted to make some friends, but I couldn't bring myself to speak to anybody. Being a loner is calming....for me anyway. You get to be alone with your thoughts and mind. When I get to high school and you guys also, things will change. For example, your friends in middle school will still be your friends, but you'll make new friends and maybe a best friend in high school. People change and we ourselves change, even if we don't notice it. I'm in 8th grade and next year, it'll feel like I'm in high school and 9th grade is like the start of high school. You gotta be grateful for your life and your friends. Caring for them and helping them will also help you. Anyway, pretty much school was ok mixed with DIS. I have math homework, but I shall do that tomorrow either in the morning or afternoon. This is all! See you guys later!

Sorry for not updating! I'm working on some new chapters for the "Mini stories of OC" and yeah. Have a good day today and tomorrow! See you guys later! Bye!

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