October 8th, 2016

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How are you guys doing? It like 9 right here in where I live and I'm gonna stay up late cause I can and I have church tomorrow at like 1, so I'm good. Saturday is where you can relax or do work and I haven't flippin got my fabrics yet for FACS. I am so dead. Anyway, I watched Netflix and ate some Hot Cheetos. I watched some Walking Dead (my mom allows me and doesn't really care, so I can!), some Gotham (if you don't know what that is, see it on Netflix. It will give you the description) and Food Network. I played some Splatoon (if you don't know, go on YouTube and type in that) and Mario Kart 8. I love it. I also drew Lillian (if you don't know who she is, then check out my other story) and I love how it turned out. I would take a picture of it, but I can't. It's like dark and I don't want to disturb my sisters and parents, so I might do it tomorrow. I added some things and yeah. It's like quiet. Silenc-nope, parents tv is on still. I'm listening to Pandora and the song is "Sing Me To Sleep" by Alan Walker. It's good in my opinion anyway. I don't own the song or Alan Walker. Just saying. This song though......it's like a lullaby to me and the like beats in it is so good. ~I've become what you cannot embrace~ ~Sing me to sleep~ *beats drop* See what I told you? I'm not even tired or sleepy. I SHALL BECOME  THE DARK AND SILENCE ADDED WITH QUIET!!!!!!! What am I doing? Anyway, this is all! See you guys later!! Bye!!! (R: She's gonna read some Yandere stories in her library.....why does she like them anyway?)

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