January 30th, 2017

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Only one more day of this month and after Tuesday is Wednesday, the first day of February and it's the month of LOVE. Gehhh....Valentines Day is all most upon us...meh, whatever. There's gonna be some teddy bears in my school and that I can tell because it's usually the boys who give the huge teddy bear to their girlfriend and I mean HUGE. It's taller than them...maybe...who knows? Anyway, school today was a good.
Health was just group work. I was in group two and all of us sat down to where we had to go. We did a reading activity and supposed to find at least five good qualities that a friend can have. Some qualities may include caring, honest, adventurous, has a good attitude, etc.
Art Foundations 2 was good. We're doing like a rhythm drawing and I'm gonna base it off of me, like what I like and who I am while like a tiny part might be KINGDOM HEARTS. I flippin want the new game right now and just see it with my own eyes, but I sadly don't have a PlayStation 4 or the other one...*insert sad face 😭 * Anyway, for now I'm just going to see some people play it. I wish I had the money to get it, but I don't. I only have a number of bucks.
Exploring Tech was more paperwork and I turned in my paper that I finished. That reminds me to check my Skyward...I'll do that later.
Science is now different. I used to be in my regular science class with some of my friends, but in our school we have some new teachers and I was put with my new science teacher. I got separated from my friend, but I like the new teacher. It's because in the school, the classes might be full of students and there's more talking, so my school decided that we shall have some new teachers and maybe get like some of the students, who are in the full class, to the newer, smaller class. I'm in that and our classroom is small. There's less students than before and our classroom is the science lab, but it's cleaned out so it doesn't look like a science lab.

U. S. History is normal. Why would I talk about it?

Before I forgot, lunch was AWESOME. Abby now has second lunch because she has the same science teacher that I have and she has second lunch. She's with me and some of my other friends. Speaking of that, I had spaghetti for lunch today and it was good. It's like everyday, the main lunch is just small and few people go there while mostly the majority of people in second lunch either go to the first line, second line, or the deli line. Those three are filled up with tons of people. I mean tons of tons of people...well, not TONS, but you get what I mean. After the bell rang to indicate that lunch was over, me and Abby talked and walked towards LA. Now Nat is all alone for lunch...wow.
For LA, we had a substitute teacher and his voice did not match what he looked like. Today we worked on our argumentative essay and he allowed us to listen to our music. When I heard that, I instantly reached to grab my phone out of my backpack and plugged in my earphones. I unlocked my phone (it has a password) and went on YouTube while I worked on my essay. I saw one of my songs that I know and silently mouthed along the lyrics. Abby and Nat was doing the same, except that Nat wasn't mouthing while Abby was. Another of my songs came up and I was like smiling. It was good and I frankly don't want to say it out loud...I'm innocent.
Anyway, I was working and then Nat was saying to me, "Abby secretly has a crush on you." Abby then secretly told her to be quiet and I was just staring at the both of them and laughed. It's that period when the three of us either talk or laugh.

Need I talk about math?

Anyway, I hope you guys have a great day and that nothing bad happens to you. See you guys later! Bye! ⚽️

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