March 24th, 2017

5 1 0

I haven't typed in a long time and that is true, so I shall tell you why.

It's because...


Yes, I watch Supernatural in my free time and this is the thing. 

It is a show where you can watch a season in a day or two or you can stay up late to watch it without waking up your parents. I did that one night and I fell asleep around 2 or 3 in the morning cause it's that good.

Anyway, school has been good...without Nat.

I haven't told you guys, but my friend went back to California to stay there forever in her life. I know it isn't her fault and that it was like a family issue too. I'm sad that she isn't here anymore, but we stay in touch in texting and possibly writing letters to each other. It was a shock to me and to other of her friends, but it's life and it gives us surprises that we may hate or like. This week, she started school and she texted me saying that she is bit scared, but I told her that I'm with her and she can go through the first day of her new school. 

I remember last year that when I met her, she was new to the school. She was in my Choir class and I guess nobody talked to her yet and what did I do? I talked to her and then like everyday we talked to one another. We even had some classes together and that was when I made a friend who liked the same bands as I did and knew about ANIME AND MANGA. That year was fun and I guess she was my best friend. 

Now, this year is different. I made some new friends....well, it's two to count anyway. One of them (is) of course Burgundy while the other is Abby. 

When I was still in my other LA class, Natalie introduced me to Abby and then we also became friends too. Then I met some other friends that Nat had and we all became friends. 

I am happy that Nat introduced me to her. 

Even though she's in California, I have Abby and the others with me in school. 

Me and her have been going to the library like everyday and we also did that when Nat was here. I guess it's like our thing that we do and it's fun too. 


Anyway, I'm over that and I know that.

So, these past weeks have been without her and I feel like this is a 'goodbye' 

Well...this is all I'm gonna say for today. 

I'll see you guys later.


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