January 18th, 2017

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The first day of a new quarter...such happiness...eh, there is some and some not.
Today was fine in terms if school and I'M HAPPY FOR SOME REASONS!!!
I have Health for my first class and I HAVE IT WITH NAT!!!! I'M HAPPY ABOUT THAT!!!! Yay!!!! Our teacher told us about herself and the classroom rules and she also told us what we are going to do and talk about. One of them was something and the class was like "NOOOOOOOOOO" while me and Nat looked at each other. I was ok and the reaction was so funny. I'm gonna love that class...maybe. I'm happy that I have a class with her and that's a good mood right there for me.
For my second class, I have Art Foundations 2 and it's just basically where we left off last year cause I took that class. It's really fun and I do like drawing and coloring, so I'm happy about that class and wouldn't change it for the world...maybe...who knows? That reminds me that I need my mom to sign the sheet and pay the $5 fee...later.
Exploring Tech is my third class and the teacher is really honest...HE'S COOL 😎. I also need my mom to sign the sheet for it and pay the $30 fee also...so many paying fees...eh.
I still have Science, but next week is that my class is going to split up because a new science teacher is coming to my school and we are like a large classroom, so hopefully I won't get split with her. She's gonna teach Biology (the new teacher) and I don't want to be spilt from her.
I also forgot that my advisory changed and I have the library lady for advisory. I like her and she's nice. Can't wait to see what we are going to do tomorrow. Me and my friend (Daisy) are in the same advisory class and I'm happy about that.
Still have LA and Math 8. Three of those are a year round class and the other ones were like a quarter class. My other friend, Burg, didn't come today or maybe she did and we didn't see her, but hopefully she comes tomorrow for I can SEE HER. I still have B lunch with some of my friends and I hope Burg still has B lunch with us cause if not...then that's sad.
Only two more days of school and the weekend comes.
So, how is your day going?
Well, this is all and I'll see you guys later! Bye! 💎

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