October 7th, 2016

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I LIKE FRIDAYS!!!! Anyway, today was good cause I sat with Natalie at lunch today, so we both had the same lunch!!! On Fridays, we have lunch together and I'm glad. We had fitness day today and we had to do the freaking mile run. It was horrible and add with my "dis", it isn't good. Why must I have it for 1st period???? Anyway (R: You already said that like in the second sentence), we had like a trial about Christopher Columbus and how if anyone is guilty. You know how the last chapter I talked about the clowns coming? Well, they didn't come and I was right. I was doubting it and it paid off. I have chips and I like it. I'm watching Netflix and I love it! Now I want to watch "Doctor Strange". Flippin Steven Moffat and his games of feels and heart broken heart. At least tomorrow is Saturday!!!!! Yay, no school for two days!! Why? This is all! See you guys later!!!

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