October 27th, 2016

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Today was fine! We had to take like a mini test about basketball and next week, we're starting the games. In Dance today, we watched our dance on the camera that was plug in the tv and it was good. I've finished my heating pad and I brought it home today. It has corn inside, so it might make popcorn? Who knows? I need to test it out to make sure it works. We did the Salem Witch trials today and it was fun. There wasn't a whole lot of accusing, but it was fun overall. Yesterday and today, we're comparing characters to another movie. For LA, we're watching the "The Fox and the Hound" and comparing the characters to "This Is Then, This Is Now". Like for example, Todd is like Mark in ways. Both are feisty and don't see the reality of a situation. Both were young when their mothers dies and are adopted into a new family. The widow looks after Todd while Byron and his mom look after Mark. The difference between them is that one is a human while the other is a animal. Copper is to Byron in ways to. Both feel like their best friend is like a brother to them. Both are honest, good guys and sure, Byron looks tough and he is, but he's a softie in the heart. Difference between them is that Byron has dog like features, like his eyes, but he's human while Copper is a hunting dog. That movie will break my heart and make me numb inside.....why? I HAVE NO HOMEWORK!!! I'm glad for that cause I get to be on Wattpad and on YouTube without having to do any homework. Pandora rocks. ~ ONCE IN MY DREAMS, I ROSE AND SOARED!!! NO MATTER HOW I'M KNOCKED AROUND OR BEATEN DOWN, MY HESITATIONS FADE~ Man, some songs are wonderful. Anyway, I'm going to be a wolf for Halloween! Me, Natalie and Abby are gonna be a animal. She's gonna be a cat and Abby is going to be a fox. I can't wait until next week!!!!! Now, this is all!!! See you guys later!!!

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