November 15th, 2016

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The field trip was today and it was good and funny. The best thing ever! There was a lot of kids and the lockers at West Jordan High School is like tall and slim. It has a lot more room to put your stuff away than the lockers at our school, but it's alright. All of us were gone and came back around when first lunch and the 5th period bell to ring. It was like a weird feeling without Saige around, but lunch was good. For U. S History, there was a spokesperson (who was a lady) and she talked about college. Now, I personally want to go to college to get like a degree in Arts or sos,thing else that I like. I already want to go to the SLCC here in Utah and I'm planning to go there after high school. Speaking of high school, I'm excited for it. Sure, there might be some drama and whatnot, but I want to be happy and also that some of my friends are going there too. That means.....I probably might see Mary and Kyra.....I wonder if we will have the same classes together or not.....hmmmm. Anyway, for LA, we finished the movie and now we are reading the book. It has like 40 chapters and that's really huge, but eh....I've read books with more pages. It's not hard. I took a math test today and I think I did good. Probably missed a few questions, but if my score is good, then it's good. This is all. See you guys later! Bye!

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