January 9th, 2017

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How is your guys day going so far? Is it good? Bad? Neutral? Well, my day was good and like the same as everyday. Guess what I did?

I FLIPPIN ENTERED THE TALENT SHOW WITH SOME OF MY FREINDS!!!! I'm happy and excited because it's with friends and with them, it's more fun than being by yourself. So, I'm going to go twice for the talent show. I'm gonna do a duet with one of my friends in Dance and we're gonna sing "Safe and Sound" by Taylor Swift. That song is actually a really good song to sing. It reminds me of my OC's, especially Rose with someone who I've already introduced in one of my chapters in one of my other books. It has like a sad tune, but it's good and the lyrics man.....some sad times in our life, isn't there? If you don't know what that is, just go on YouTube and you'll see which song I mean. You'll start to like it, I promise you. Anyway, the other one is that I'm gonna be dancing too. I'm not doing that alone though because like 4 of my other friends and I maybe gonna do a dance for the talent show. It's gonna be great and the tryouts are for next week and the week after that is the talent show. That one friend that I'm gonna do a duet with might either stay or move for the next semester and I really hope she stays for second semester. She's really great and has a good singing voice. Well, time to talk about what I did for school, isn't that right?
Well, for first period, we just went to the weight room and our teacher told us that she was going to take our pulses for the heartbeat and I got 167. I try to be good and I guess it works. Why am I talking about Gym? Do you guys like Gym/PE? I'm a bit curious to know.
Second period, I did my solo dance and I danced to "Stitches" by Shawn Mendes. I like that song because from what I hear from the lyrics, it might mean heartbreak or something alone the lines of that. I think I did good and I don't have fk dress tomorrow!!! Yay!
FACS Exploration was good. In our group, we tried out the cake-cookie mix recipe and it was good. Chocolate. It was good and I want another one, but we're gonna make some more tomorrow....I think anyway. I was gone through like half of the class because I was called down to the counseling office for the college thing that I don't remember. It's just basically a talk about how you can prepare for college through high school year and I'm gonna go to college to practice Veterinary Science....something like that.
Science is just science.
Fifth period....same.
LA. I signed up for Wednesday (I think...I can't remember) and I need to practice what I'm going to say. I probably might just wing it and hopefully get a good grade.
Math. No homework!!!! Yay!!! Until tomorrow.....AUHDIHDIJDI.
That was my day. How about yours?
Anyway, this is all! See you guys later! Bye! 🗝

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