September 21st, 2016

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Hey! So today we went to my parent teachers conference and all of my teachers said good things about me like, "She is quiet, but does her work" and "Is really good at class". Now, I'm a obedient girl and I don't like being in trouble, but Rose on the other hand.....mix between silent and loud. Anyway, today we played another soccer game and I was pretty good. I defended the ball and it hit me like about where my ham strings are and I hope it doesn't bruise over night. Today, the 7th graders had a field trip for CTE (or CCA) and they left in the afternoon. It's actually really weird because last year, there wasn't any field trip or anything like that last year and that really makes me a bit angry about it, but I guess the principal and his friends agreed on it. Who knows? Tomorrow is another normal day and on Friday, no school!!!!! Yay!!!!!! Oh, and speaking of tomorrow, our leaders in Young Women decided that we will go to the temple and do baptisms for the dead. It's really nice to do that and it gives you a feeling of happiness. I said hi to the dude I know from church today and he said hi back. My mom thinks I have a crush on him, but really......I don't know. I'm sounding like I'm from a story and sounding cliche. Man, those are so random and funny at the same time. This is all! See you guys later! Bye! Just kidding! I brought my ear phones today and when it was lunch time, I ran and went to the 2nd line. I went on YouTube and listened to "Courtesy Call" and another song that I will not tell you because it has some......language in there, but I don't care cause I love songs, regardless of it has some weird stuff in them......what am I? Now, this is all! See you guys later! (R: Freaking Mark........)

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