December 12th, 2016

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Monday. Why must we start at Monday? Anyway, school today was good and I was I'm still hungry. For Gym/P.E., we did the shuttle run and we are doing the fitness test this week....and maybe the mile....I don't want tortures your legs...hopefully we won't do it and if so....then I'm gonna stay at home and watch some Supernatural. That is my plan.
This week is our ance performance and it's on a Thursday! I'm excited and a bit nervous, but it's gonna be fun dancing to other people and usually at home, I dance to whatever music I listen to and I have some moves which are awesome. I usually dance to some pop songs like....songs and others....heh. 3rd period was good and our teacher refreshed our minds with the plate that's round with the grains, proteins, fruit, dairy and vegetables. Do you know what I eat? I eat some tamales. THEY ARE GOOD AND ESPECIALLY THE ONES MY MOM MAKES.
For Science, we are taking a test tomorrow and for our next unit, we are going forwards to minerals. Gold, diamonds, copper, etc.
U. S. History was okay. We learned more of persons during the war and for our assignment, we had to write at least eight sentences about how we would feel if we were one of the people in the drawing. The bell was about to ring, so o quickly wrote another sentence and raised my hand up for he could see me. Stamped the paper and off I went to lunch and lunch today was spaghetti. It was good.
6th period....I had to check out today because I had a dentist appointment at like 1:30, so my mom went to my school first and checked me out during LA. I got up and put my starter notebook away and I said to Natalie, "You are a terrible friend!" Yeah....flippin Abby. You know...I could've gone to the library and check in a book that I finished, but I'll do that tomorrow after school. I really hope we don't have math homework cause I checked out and I didn't go to Math because of that. I told Burgundy and she told me that she'll grab the homework if we HAVE it. I don't want to fall behind the class and not know what I'm supposed to do.
Also, I have a LA assignment too.....I need to do that too.....but I need to do my piano practice.....I could do the assignment first, then do my piano practice....I also need Abby's phone number. I want to text her too because we are friends after all....a little bit like me.
Anyway, my day was good and I can be me. I'll see you guys later! Bye! ⚜️

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