October 11th, 2016

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I don't own Partners in Crime and creepypasta neither Set it Off. They are good though.....anyway, enjoy!
Today was pretty good. We still played flag football and in Dance, our group practiced our dance that is due in 2 more days! I'm a bit nervous about it, but I'll think I will make through it. For FACS Exploration, we did like a mini sewing thing and maybe this week, we might do the monster plush thing. I'm excited for it cause it's a cute, little monster that we are going to make. Today was a talk about preventing suicide during 4th period and I think it was only for the 7th graders. I got that talk last year and it was good. Who knew? Anyway, pretty much school was good. Nothing bad happened or weird. Life can be a butt sometimes.....anyway, this is all! Bye!

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