September 16, 2016

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Today was a late start day!!!!! We get in at 9:30 on Fridays and still get out at 2:30, but that is not important. I HAD LUNCH WITH NATALIE TODAY!!!! I am so happy that we have lunches together on Fridays and also have LA together. For Gym/P.E, we had a relay race. It contained sprinting as far we can go around the cone, potato sack racing and walking while doing the hulu hoop. With the sack race, I almost fell on my face cause I did giant leaps, but I didn't!!! (R: Why so happy?) Did I tell you that I love writing and drawing? No? Well, I do cause it's so beautiful! I got back my science test back and I did good and only missed one question. Anyway, this is all!! See you guys later!

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