September 15, 2016

17 2 0

What can I say about today? Well, first off in Gym/P.E, we had our soccer games today. I'm actually one of the team captain and the other is a boy. Why? Anyway, we lost (yet again) another game, but hey! It's just a game and I'm grateful that none of my teammates didn't whine about losing. Soccer can be serious (like in REAL soccer games), but it can be fun too! Speaking of teammates, Burgundy is in my team. There is 2 boys and 4 girls on the team. That includes me, Burg, and other two girls. 2nd period was pretty fun. I have Dance and in our group, we are doing a combination of the 5 different locomotors and the combo. In 3rd, we made a collage about our dream house. (R: Dream house? ~I learned to live, half a life~) (Me: Please, don't make me sing) (R:~ To ever fall back into your arms~) (Me: Rose, stop it) (R: ~You broke all your promises and now your back~) (Me: 😑) (R: ~Running around, creating scars~) (Me: ......~ who do you think, you are~) (R: Yay!!!!! 😀) (Me: Why did I do that?)
Ok.....that was weird.....anyway, for my last class, we had to take a math test and I think I aced it pretty good. I might've missed one problem, but I'll take whatever grade I get (no F's though) Oh, and before I forget. Me and Burg (nickname for her) went in the main line to get orange chicken and I saw Alexa and Daisy. Alexa saw me and dragged her to us. All four of us got the orange chicken and sat down together. I didn't really talk that much cause I'm not that very social to people. Today I have piano lessons in church. Piano is the finest thing ever in my life (aside from anime) and I love it. My feelings for today? It's happy actually. Who knew? Energy drink helps you to have energy when you don't have it. This is all! See you guys later! Bye!

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