December 1st, 2016

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I'm sorry if I didn't type in yesterday. I had piano lessons and homework, so I really didn't have time.

Anyway, let's put that aside and I shall talk about yesterday.

Yesterday was fun and thank the heavens we didn't have to do our presentation yet and that's for next week. For 1st period, we did the usual things. It isn't very exciting, but for 3rd period, we made PLAY DOUGH. WE MADE FLIPPIN PLAY DOUGH. It was very simple. 2 cups of water, some vegetable oil, flour and another thing that I don't remember. I do, it's just I forgot the name of that. We had a substitute teacher for my U. S. History class and we were good....except that some of my classmates were loud...that's like everyday. Pretty much, the day for yesterday was good and lunch was also good. Moving on to today!

So, for the beginning of class, the 9th graders had Reality Town and that I don't' know what that is. I'm not even in my last year, but I might have that too. Anyway, our class had to go to the cafeteria and so did Mr. Wouden class. We watched a movie and that movie that we saw, I saw it before and that was last year. I don't know how, but I think it was during one of the classes from last year....maybe? Who knows? For my Dance class, we went to the Kiva to see it and the rules. Our teacher gave us a little tour around it and I guess it's big, but it's like the size of a...a thing. During FACS Exploration, we watched "Nanny 911" and it's like a show about families in need for help because of their children's. That reminds me....I need to post another chapter for one of my other books...hmmmm. Anyway, for 6th period, we watched a little clip of a movie that we may watch if we are ahead of the classes. It does contain swear words, but I don't really care. I'm unfazed with that and frankly, I don't care if my friends swear or not because I'm cool. 7th period felt long and we had a math test today. I maybe did good, but I probably missed like three or two problems.

School was good.

I have Young Womens today and for our activity....we're doing something. I also might have piano lessons today and I actually take two classes. This one is for me preparing to play in the Sacrament. I don't like playing in front of other people or whole crowds, but if I overcome that, then it's gonna help me to become more calm when I play around more people. I really love piano and had long since to play it when I was like 7 or 8. Now, I can play it. It's been like...5 years (or 4) since I've been taking lessons and playing. I started in 2011. Now that I think about seems so long.

Oh and Daisy didn't come today because she's sick. Today was a bit weird without her, but it can't be helped.



I GET TO SLEEP IN.....but I'm still gonna wake up around 7:30....dang it.....I need my sleep.

Guys, I stayed up late until 11 yesterday because I was on Pintrest and maybe reading some fanfics of people....anime.

I love music.

Anyway. this is all for today! Be safe guys and have a good day!!!! Bye!!!!

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