Febuary 9th, 2017

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Hello guys! Sorry if I haven't written in the past four days.
Anyway, TODAY WAS A FLIPPIN CUTE MOMENT AT SCHOOL TODAY. Before we get to that, let me talk about my day at school.
In Health class, we talked about bullying and why some persons bully other persons. Some may be because their parents yell at them or they see themselves not pretty. We watched three different videos of it and the first one and last one really hit my heart hard. I really liked the the last one because it was empowering and told a story.
Art Foundations 2 was good. We worked on our safety poster and it's our next project to do. I really like that class because I like drawing and sketching out my own ideas for certain projects.
Exploring Tech was also meh. We watched a video and then got a worksheet. It's gonna take about three days to watch the video because it's like a two-hour special from NOVA.
U. S. History was ok. We took a quiz on who we sided with. It was mostly about the different parties like Republicans, Democrats, Green Tea Party, etc. I mostly sided with the Democrats and I'm not really surprised because it's not surprising for me.
~I'm I losing my mind...never let me go~
How much I love Alan Walker...~I'm wide awake~
Anyway, ~If this fight is not forever, at least we'll be together. I know I'm not alone!~ ~I KNOW IM NOT ALONE~ ~I KNOW IM MOT ALONE~ ~I'm not alone~ ~I'm not alone, I'm not alone~
I love the song "Alone" by ALAN WALKER

Anyway, LA was good. Some of my classmates worked on their essays while others were done and doing the peer review. I'm finished with the essay and now I need to wait to see how much points I got for it. I also like writing because it's where a world that isn't reality, but it's my own world and I can create it anyway I like it to be.
Math...homework. At least I'm finished with it and now I get to do my piano lessons. Yay.

After school was so cute. So, when math was over, me and my two other friends went to the library to meet someone. One of my friends wanted to ask out another friend and so that person told the other person to meet them at the library. The person came and my friends asked them if they wanted to go out with them and the person was confused. Nat was like, "AWWWWWWWWWW." Me? I was surprised, but then supported the person. The person said, "Can I have time to think about it?" My friends nodded her head and then all of us did random crap and whatnot. My mom then texted me to hurry up and then I walked towards the exit, but Nat and the other friend caught me and then I ran. The friend ran towards me and pulled me into a hug. We three then did a group hug and separated on our different ways.

I'm still surprised, but I support my friend. Ahhhh...anyway, TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!!! YAY!!!
I'm gonna have lunch with Abby, Alexa, Autumn and Burgundy!!!
This is all! See you guys later! Bye! 🍦🍦🍦

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