June 4th, 2017

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Its seems like forever that I haven't updated this book as much. I would say I would be busy with school, but its already out and I guess that I haven't felt to type lately. But I do have some things I want to talk over today as I have church.
The first thing I want to talk about is the past days of this month. Field Day especially. On that day, it was flipping hot like last time and this time, they let the students come in whenever it was too hot. On that day, I also wore some shorts (not shorts shorts because those things...bleh). Anyway, my friends came and we went towards the water games. One has some teachers get dunked in water while the other was a kickball game. We went to the two and I actually partcipitate in the kickball one, but for a bit. They still had the face painting and the blow up obstacle course, but no SNOWCONES. 😞
The day was good...save for some moments that question myself and other things. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Anyway, yesterday me and my family went over to the little cottonwood mountain or something like that. We then got out of the car and looked at the river. The current of it was strong and it actually took a child. It was on the news and the mother of the child went in to save her, but she died while doing that. Yeah...sometimes life can turn your life around to some bending. We also ate at McDonald's for breakfast and I got some breakfast.

In other news, my mom got me a new phone because my old one (its a Windows phone) kinda got dropped into a toilet at my school and the soundspeaker was damaged, so no noise came out. Right now I'm typing this in my new phone and it's not a IPhone at all.
This is all I wanted to tell you guys about my day. I'll see you guys later.

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