September 19th, 2016

9 1 0

Hey! You must be wondering why I put "Courtesy  Call " and to tell you's because I just thought you'll want to listen to it while you read this. That's all. Now, we shall proceed!
So, at P.E today, there was 5 people on our team while the other had like 7. It wasn't really even, so 2 of them went out and we resumed playing. Soccer balls are so my enemy because I got hit 3 times from it!!!! One was at my shoulder, other in my side and the third was on my back! I could feel the pain and I didn't want to yell or you know....say bad things, so I ignored it and I resumed playing. I also got hit by a shoe in my leg. It's not pretty. 2nd period, we had to practice our dance and this Wednesday, we are supposed to show it to the whole class, but the 7th graders get to go on a field trip.....why?! I'm a bit.....angry at that fact, but it can't be helped. Why not give us (the 8th graders) a field trip? Anyway, now is shall tell you and if freaking Natalie......actually, if your reading this Natalie, I swear if you say that again, I will come after you in school. Moving on, I know a dude in my church who has the same class (in church of course). He goes to JPJMS and like the whole month, I saw him but never said hi to him. Last Sunday, I was waiting to get renew my temple thing and waiting for the bishop. He said, "Hey, Ruth" and of course (me being nice) I said, "Hi" and waved my hand. My mom (of course.....) talked to his father and told him how I was "timid" and "doesn't have many friends either" (that part is kind of true.....what am I?). After done talking, we went home and my mom said to me that might as well say hi to him in school. Now, my mind was like, nooooooooooooooo, but I said, "Ok." When 6th period was over, I walked with Nat and her other friend and I saw him, so I said, "Hey!!!" He looked and saw me and said, "Hi Ruth" and we both walked our way. Nat was like asking questions and saying, "Is he your boyfriend" or "You like him?" My neck and back felt a little bit of heat, but I ignored it. Sometimes, I over think stuff and it messes with my head. In my mind, it was like......crazy. Does he think I like him? Does he like me? Do I have a crush on him? Does he have a crush at me? terrible and to make things more weird, my mom wants him to be her son-in law. That means I'll have to marry him.....thinking of that makes me cringe. I LOVE ANIME DUDES BETTER THAN REAL LIFE BOYS, but that's mine opinion. Anyway, this is all. See you guys later!!!

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