November 24th, 2016

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I can't believe it's today and it's almost December too.
Last night snowed and the snow it's still there on the grass....I do love snow and the snowflakes, but I don't like the cold because it's cold and I don't want to be sick. Last year, I got either the flu or the cold and had to stay at home for a week. I got a lot of homework and I finished them, but fast. I also didn't see my friends and had to stay in bed, but sometimes I would watch Netflix. It was not a good flu or cold, but I made it through and lived.
Anyway, getting off that....what are you guys thankful for?
I know I'm thankful for having a family who loves me and I love them.
Having a house to live in.
Fooooooooood 🍏🍌🍉🍇🍓🍑🍗🍳🌭🍝🌮🍜
Well....being born into this world/life, even though it's starting to crumble away into the darkness and what I mean by that is....well, you know.
Lastly and last to what I'm thankful for is.........having friends! They are the people that I (do) trust. Persons who make me laugh. Persons who help me cheer up when I'm sad. Persons who help me through dark times and those who can always make me smile. Having those friends make me secure and safe and it lets me know who'll still be my friend or not. I know when I'm in high school, those friends I had in middle school may either change to which I can still talk to them, but we aren't friends or they'll stay with me. I'm not clingy and I'm alright with my friends having other friends to talk to and that's just life moving forwards to the future.
Anyway, comment down below to what your thankful for and this is all. See you guys later and again, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!

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