October 24th, 2016

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Today was the funniest day ever in school. Each class was good and I guess good equals alright. Today and this entire week, we are supposed to have our costumes for the dance that the class is performing this Wednesday!!! I'm really excited about it and hope we do good! In FACS Exploration, we're working on our heating pads and mine is like a peace sign and it looks pretty good (so far anyway). Burgundy.....oh, she woke up late and it was a bit lonely without her in the morning (we have Gyn/P.E first thing in the morning), but she came and it was sunny again! This Friday, we have no school because it's the end of the quarter...so many days of school now. I have good grades and I can still see my name on the honor roll from last year. I got 2, which is good and I'm supposed to get the third one, but the school mixed it up and the ones who did get honor roll didn't and the ones who did have bad got it. Last year was that and it was....weird. It's almost Halloween and our family might maybe go trick or treating....I say maybe because my mom doesn't want us to be separated from her and my older sister is coming with us. We might go around the neighborhood that we live in and just get candy or this Friday, after when my sister day of school ends, we get to go to a restaurant and eat there. It's either of them and personally, I want my candy. For my costume though....I want to be Hanji (ATTACK ON TITAN.....yas) or a wolf. I have the ears and tail and a gray shirt. Should I? I'm still thinking. I almost fell asleep during math and it was not good. My eyelids were heavy and it was just a few minutes, but it felt longer. It's hard to stay awake during math....it is hard. After the bell rang, me and Natalie went to the library cause I finished a book and I wanted to return it early. As I went inside, I saw a familiar person. He was in the line and-this is sounding like a romance novel or line thing.....eehhhh. He noticed me and he said hi and I said hi. I talked to him a bit about books and Natalie is like, "Ohhh.....it's him! The "selfie boy!" He's like, "Hey. It's my best friend!" My mind was staring at him and judging a bit. I said, "Wait, you two know each other?" She tells me that yup, they do. Both are in the same science class and he apparently takes selfies with them and by them, I'm talking about Abby. Three of them have the class. After some few minutes, he left and looked back and said, "See ya, bestie!" I said, "She's my best friend!" Yeah....I think it's pretty funny that they call him that. Amusing. Anyway, that's my day! I'll see you guys later! Peace!🤘

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