November 10th, 2016

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Today for Gym/P.E, we played basketball and it was good....I guess anyway. Remember how I told you about the field trip? The permission slip has already been sighed by my mother and I get to go, but I'll miss half of first period through third. I'll be a bit late to fourth period, but who cares? I mean, I do, but the field trip is going to be awesome and for me, I can miss some classes. We'll leave around 7:45 and return back by 10 o'clock. For 3rd period, we're on child development and we talked about the difference between newborns and infants. You know, let me tell you a thing about me. When I was a baby, I always cried. I mean ALWAYS. Wow....anyway, then for my science class, we're doing a plant lab. Tomorrow, we're going to plant and water the plants quickly because tomorrow is Friday and we have 30 minutes of class. Speaking of Friday, I'm going to have lunch with Natalie!!!!! Yay!!!! In LA, our class is watching "Little Women", but in the movie version and after that, we're reading the book one. I ship Laurie and Jo. I don't care if it's a bit tad weird, but they are meant to be together.....dang it. I wish one of my ships would be canon, but no. He's older, but-forget it. Anyway, math was math. I have homework and i shall do that later on. Do you guys like music? That is a question for you guys and what type do you like of the different genres of music? This is all! See you guys later! Bye!    

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