January 13th, 2017

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Today was a Friday and it was good and it was also the last day if the quarter/semenster!!! I'm happy, but I still have Math...I'll live with it. Time to talk about school...yay.
Today for the final day of Gym/P. E, my teacher took roll and me and my other two friends in that class talked about next year about *insert drum rolls here* LAGOON. LAGOON GUYS. Do you know how much I'm gonna be happy and excited about next year?!!! A HUGE GROUP OF FRIENDS AND IF YOU ARE READING THIS
NAT, IM GONNA DRAG YOU WITH ME AND BRING ABBY TOO. It's gonna be fun!! Woooooo! We had a fitness day game today and it was hunger games. Hunger games. You get a flag and basically try to survive without your flag being pulled down by somebody else. I don't like it. It's not my thing. Speaking of Gym, a random 7th grader was random. That's all I'm going to say.
Dance was good. My teacher brought us popcorn for us because we watched our past performances. One of my classmates brought cookies and the other brought Hershey's Kiss. I love those and chocolate chips cookies. So for the rest of class, we just watched our past performances.
FACS Exploration was also normal because we just had to count up our money and see how much we made during the cookie sale. IM NOT GOING TO TAKE TEEN LIVING NEXT YEAR!!! Why?!!! Our teacher told us that she's not going to do Teen Living anymore because...things. I WAS REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT CLASS NEXT YEAR AND NOW I WONT!!!! She might either do Child Development or Interior Design for next year...TEEN LIVING.
For Science, we had a substitute teacher today and it was good. Watched Bill Nye the Science Guy and I love that dude. I've watched his videos like throughout elementary and he's fun. Ahhh...I'm tired.
Gonna leave out U. S. History because it's normal stuff.
6th period was good and for the whole entire time, we watched Finding Dory. That was it for the whole class period. Basically that's it. No food though...eh, why do I care?
Math was math. No homework, which I'm glad for because why not?
I won't have school next week for Monday and Tuesday!!!! Yeah!!! When we come back on Wednesday, we're supposed to go to our advisory teacher and they are gonna print out our schedules for the new semester. I know I have Health, Art 2 and another class that I can't remember right now, but it's on there. One of my friends didn't come to school today and it's unusual, but maybe something came up or she was late. Who knows?
This is all! See you guys later and have a good night/day! Bye! ⚱️

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