December 5th, 2016

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I sometimes wish I wasn't a girl and a boy.
Anyway, my day was good and Daisy is feeling better and Alexa is also a bit sick, but she still came to school. Dance class was good and we went to the kiva to practice our dance that is for next week. We already chose our costumes and now we are practicing our spacing and we still need to figure out our beginning dance for the whole class. I like dancing because it's fun and yeah. For FACS Exploration, three more groups were left and did all three of them and I'm one do the groups. We haven't finished ours yet and tomorrow we are gonna finalize it. They did good and we also got some more snacks. Food is life and life. U. S. History was alright and we talked about the Tea Party and the Boston Massacre. Murder or accidental/self defense are the two things that happen. Language Arts was good and our teacher choose like 6 people to do like a mini play for some of the chapters on "Little Women." It was funny and fun to see them act out and I like that class. Math is math. I already finished my homework and now I need to do my piano practice.
It's almost our Winter Break and I'm happy because no school and I really hope no homework cause having homework during a break is just nah.
I flippin have my sucks. It started on Saturday and now I'll have to live through the pain of it. Why? I understand why we have it, but why once a month though? It just comes out without warning and the next thing you know, blood is everywhere. Ugh......anyway, I'm just listening to some songs on Pandora and doing my things.
Randomly, I'll sing just because a song is stuck in my brain and I need to sing it. Some songs I love are not what you can except from me.....or maybe? Who knows? This is all! See you guys later! Bye! 🇺🇸

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