December 14th, 2016

7 1 0

Tomorrow is the performance and Of course, when performing your dance to other people or a whole school, you'll get nervous and me? I'm a little bit nervous, but I know we can rock it tomorrow! So, I told my mom and she's gonna do my makeup and I really don't want to wear makeup. I don't hate it, but I don't like it on my face, but it's required for our performances....anyway, I'm gonna wake up around 5:50 to get a head start on my makeup. Will I look good? I don't know and I hope I don't look weird with it. I say this is my first time wearing makeup and I'm a bit scared if people are gonna judge me....what school can do. Also, I'm gonna eat breakfast at my house and when it's 7:45, we need to go to the locker room and change into our costumes. Assembly tomorrow filled with people....LETS GO!
Moving on, my bestie didn't come to school today because she's sick. That sucks for her and I really hope she feels better for tomorrow cause she's in Dance too. Don't you feel a bit lonely when you friends aren't at school?
Anyway, I saw Burg at RTI because she came in and I waved to her and also Alexa saw me and I saw her. She's in Stage Crew and I clap for you.
3rd period was good and yummy. What I mean by that is that yesterday, we cooked the chicken and boiled rice in a bag, then we did the chicken broth. Today, we ate it and it was good and I wanted food because I have B lunch....I mean, I need to wait like another hour to eat and I don't like that, but I get to sit with my friends and that is what counts to a happy year in school. School....anyway, 4th period, we are now beginning to learn another unit and that's minerals. Rose's mineral would be a ruby....could it?
I'm almost done. I only need the concluding sentences, body paragraph 3, concluding paragraph, closing sentence and background information. That's five things, isn't it? Well, I'm gonna be finished before I could even notice how in the world I did lazy. Finished my math homework and now I only need to do that essay. I like listening to music while I do my homework and I usually finish. There is one particular song that I can't even know why I like it, but I do because it perfectly describes one of my OC's....which I have TO CREATE MORE! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH-no more though. I can have eight thank you.
Me being
So, how is your day going?
I really want to go on a cruise ship...dang it.
Do you guys have Pandora? What kind of songs or music do you listen to? Just a quick question for you guys.
I like Skillet and their songs are awesome and I really want to go to one of their concerts, but it's in Florida....dang it.
This is all. See you guys later! Bye! 🔱
8:09 p.m.
There is one thing that is cool also. In my group of friends, we're doing a secret Santa thing and I like it. I know who I got, but I wonder who got me? It could be any of my friends and I want to know who, but we'll get our presents next week before winter break starts, which is on the 19 though the 21st of December. Also, I only need my body paragraph 3, the concluding sentence for it, concluding paragraph and closing sentence. So many words....bye! 🔆

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