January 20th, 2017

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Before I start, thank you guys for over 300 views/reads on this book! 😁😁😁😁😁
Anyway, let's start!

Before I tell you what has happened today, yesterday me and my family went to a aquarium and school was good yesterday.
Health today was just us taking the SLO pretest and working on our coat of arms. Trace your hand and divide it into six sections to answer six or five questions. We're gonna work on that for next week.
Art Foundations was just normal as we're gonna do our starters next week and maybe do a project, but who knows? I like drawing and art, so this class is good for me as I can expand my knowledge of art. 
Exploring Tech class was just finishing our paper and then try to finish another one, but a crossword one.
U. S. History was work as some of my classmates finished their work while I did my own. We also watched a bit of the thingy in the news today about Donald Trump and he's the 45th president...I'm just going to ignore it and see the bright  side of life...I shall do that because I can.
LA is one of my favorite classes because the seating chart told me I sat next to my friends, which is Nat and Abby. It's like everyday me and her talk and it's so good to sit next to your friends, but then there's the constant talk and maybe the teacher might be fed up and separate, but I'm good. Warning though...when sitting down next to your friends, there will be talk. The funny thing today was that as I read the article about animals in cosmetics research and Abby slapped/hit my knee as I kind of read the article. I hit/slap her knee back and we did it back and forth until Nat was like, "What are you guys doing?" Abby told her, "Slapping each other's knee." She thought she said something else and all three of us laughed...man. Anyway, LA can be funny...it's like that everyday...~I miss the conversation~...gosh dang it, Maroon 5. Math was math and I do have homework, but I'm gonna do that tomorrow as I'm a bit tad lazy.
~Oh, I was there for you in your darkest time~
~So I'm following the map that leads to you~
Right now I'm listening to some songs in Pandora and random lyrics might pop out. I have different bands that I love and songs too. Heh, I'm going to be a...I don't even want to think if it right now. The future is ahead and I'm gonna think about the present than the future.

I also got a new curtain for my room

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I also got a new curtain for my room. I find that...meh.
I should stop typing.
I'll see you guys later! Bye! 🕯

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