February 3rd, 2017

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Anyway, school was pretty good.
In first period, we played a game of ring toss with pencils and the other thing. We were talking about help and when do we ask for it. That was mostly what we did for Health.
Art Foundations 2 was work day as we continued on our project. I'm still coloring it and I've actually brought it home for I can work on it. I shall you show what I have done so far.

I like it and I just need the background to be colored and voila! Now I want ice cream

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I like it and I just need the background to be colored and voila! Now I want ice cream...and some of it is inspired my Kingdom Hearts. I really love that game and I want to play 0.2/2.8 and Kingdom Hearts 3. WHY?!!!!!
In Exploring Tech, we did more paperwork and now on Fridays, I have A lunch.
I'm cool about it as I get to sit with Burgundy, Alexa, Autumn, and Abby. We sat where we usually sat and I started eating as both Alexa and Bug played some card games. Some few minutes later, I've kind of finished my food and they had the honor roll certificates on the three tables. We all went there to get ours, but Alexa didn't have one and they also gave us ice cream. When the bell rang, we all went to our separate ways.
I got my honor roll certificate.

Anyway, I have Science next and today we took a quiz on weathering, erosion, and fossil formation. I got a pretty good score and our teacher told us when we are done, we need to read and I always have a book in my backpack. I usually go to the library to either check in or checkout books.
U. S. History was ok. We still were on our study guide for the civic test, which I really hope that I get to pass it and not do it again in high school.
They school actually got the doors in and now we have doors in some of the school.
Yay for doors.
LA was good. We kept working our or essay and I'm close to finishing it...so close. It's really quiet without Nat or Abby there with me, but I'm used to it.
Math was math. We did our transformation project and now I'm on the graph paper. I need to plot the dots and go to line to line. Well, no homework and I'm happy about that.

After school, it's a normal one. I go to the door that leads to the hallway and I see Nat and Abby. The three of us walked to the library, but it wasn't open due to a meeting between the administration. So, we passed that and walked out of the exit that was pass it. Outside, we talked about random stuff and in one point, Nat was saying something about...something and then Abby said something (that i can't remember right now...wow), then she randomly kissed my jacket. I was so confused and my face was in a expression of confusion while Nat said, "A SHIP MOMENT." I was confused a bit and I am like, "Oh my gosh, Nat." After that, we talked more cause my mom was a bit tad late to pick me up. I put my hoodie on and Nat grabs a piece of snow and speaking of snow, the both threw snow at each at some point and I just watched them while laughing. Anyway, she put a piece of snow on top of my head and it falls down. She tried again and around that time, my mom came and I said, "My mom is here." The snow fell off and the three of us went our separate ways.
I like being with my friends because they make me happy whenever I'm sad or down. I guess you could say that I'm the cherry one who tries to make my friends happy when they are sad. Nat is the one who is quiet, but...I remember something else.
Before the school bell rang (my school, on Fridays, starts at 9:30), I waited for Burg, Nat, and Abby. Well, I had to go pay the fees for my classes and I saw Abby coming in the school. I got the receipt and I then went towards her. We talked for a bit when we saw Burg and all three of us talked. A few minutes later, Nat shows up and then Burg says, "Let's go to the library. I want to see if they have the next volume." We agreed and all four of us went to the school library. As we went inside, Burg turned in a book and she told us that she's going to see if they have the sixth volume or something in the terms of that. With that, I told her that we'll wait for her and as she left to go find it, Abby and Nat were talking about Attack on Titan.
-To those who don't know, Attack on Titan (or AoT) is a anime where there is a dude who wants to kill the Titans because one of the ate his mother. There's a lot of deaths in the anime and I would recommend you get some tissues and food because this anime will kill you. The dudes name is Eren and there many different persons in that anime. We have Marco (THE JOKES THOUGH...NEVER SAY THEM AGAIN), Jean (who we like to call "horse face"), Mikasa (there is a volleyball called that...mi casa is tu casa), Armin, Levi (a short person...lol), Ymir, Hange (I LOOK LIKE HER, BUT I AM WAY DIFFERENT), and many others that I don't want to name right now. There is also a OVA about Levi and you guys should watch it. I haven't and Nat has told me to watch it, but I fail at that.
Abby showed Nat some Levi x Eren pictures and they were not so...pink. I was quiet and didn't talk as much, but I thought in my head this thought...innocent or not innocent? That is the question that I know the answer to. Nat was like *gasp* and laughed a bit while Abby made a face that was funny. I did not say anything and Burg came back. She told us that they didn't have the book she wanted and we exited out the library. For some remaining minutes, we walked in school and talked.
I would say that Abby would be the person who is a person.
What am I saying?


Anyway, that was my day today and I'll see you guys later! Bye! 🍭🍭🍭

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