January 1st, 2017

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A new month and a new year, huh? I might have a resolution for this new year and for this new year I hope that things can be fine, but then again....anyway, over the last week, my father got off work for s whole week. A whole week. He works everyday through Monday-Saturday. He got last week off and he took us to different places. I'm very happy that his work told him to take a week off. He spend time with us and I'm happy about that. It's not everyday he could take us anywhere, but on some days, we just go to the mall to eat or watch a movie.
Today is Sunday and we might go to church or not. K
We don't have school tomorrow, but we do have it on Tuesday. Do I want to go to school? I just want to stay at home and be asleep for the rest of the days. I did get some-well, me and my sisters got some new games for our Wii U and one of them is a Legend of Zelda one, but I won't say which one it is. Yes, I like the Legend of Zelda.
I need to type my essay. It's due sometime this week, but I don't know when. AAAAAHHHHHHH.......
So, how is your day? Mine is good.
What is your resolution for 2017? Comment if you want to. I'm alright if you don't want to.
Anyway, thank you for taking your time to read this. This is all! Bye! See you guys later! 🖤

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