November 21st, 2016

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I don't own the song nor the lyrics. I put this song up because I felt like it and Breaking Benjamin is awesome! 😎
Today was pretty good and guess what this week is? It's Thanksgiving Break!!!!! Wooooo! I only have two days of school and tomorrow is the final day and I'm happy cause I get to play, be in my warm bed, watch some of my shows and watch Netflix during the break! I call that my place of true happiness. Anyway, for my first period, we went to the weight room. Second, I went to my Dance class and our performance is coming up soon-well, not soon soon, but soon. My legs feel a bit numb....freaking darn it cold! For my FACS Exploration class, we still did our preschool lesson plans and our group is good. U. S. History is cool and today we learned about Thanksgiving and how it started and why it didn't become a holiday. Language Arts went fine and I love it. We still have math homework and that reminds me....I didn't finish it....I only need like two or three more problems....I'll do that tomorrow. I love reading and when the bell rang for the end of school, I went to the library to check in a book with Natalie. little thing. Also, I saw him and I didn't say hi because he already knows me. Anyway, I checked out another new book and I'm liking it so far. After me, Abby and Natalie got out of the library, we talked about some random stuff and I said, "You know what! We should go and drive somewhere random!" Abby raised her hands in the air and both of us ( Me & Natalie) ran after her and when we went outside, it was not cold, but a bit chilly. Natalie ram after her and I just ran after her. It was funny and it brought a smile and laugh within me. I care about my friends, especially Natalie. Well, it looks like story time is on coming. Here we go! Last year when I was in 7th grade, I also had friends and in the mornings when I went to school, I had breakfast. It was me and Daisy that we'd always go to breakfast together. We both had different schedules and I really didn't see her that much, but I did. Some few months after, there was a new student in my Choir class (I had it last year and I loved it very much cause I like singing) and that was her. I didn't speak to her at first, but I did and I said hi. Every day, I would talk to her before class started and maybe during class. We both found out that we had like....four or five classes together and I was happy and excited. A new person and friend! Yes! We also had some common interests, like watching anime and listening to the same bands. Examples: Linkin Park and other bands that I don't remember right now. We also had first lunch together and it was great! Sure. On some days, we just ate in silence and that was alright with me because I felt happy around her and on Fridays, we didn't the same lunch.....but, I still enjoyed it. She moved from another state and it was her first time coming to Utah and I'm glad she did came. Without her, I wouldn't have made a new friend (who knows the same stuff as me) and without me, she wouldn't have also met me. She's my bestie and even if we don't go to the same high school or we do, we are still gonna have a good time. I like having funny, random moments from my friends.
Anyway, thank you my friends for you being there and here. This is all! Bye!

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