October 4th, 2016

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Sorry if I haven't updated!!!! I was busy with school and piano, so yeah. Anyway, let's go!!!!!
It's finally October and that means Halloween time!!! Yeah!!! So, what happened over the past few days are good.....well, I guess anyway. First of all, I got my time of month today and it sucks cause it feels like......weird. If you know the feeling, then I know. Second, last week in our LA class, we had donuts with apple juice. It was good and glad because who doesn't like donuts? I do and it's good. Next week we need to turn in a pink slip for the fabrics that we need for FACS Exploration for the sewing unit. Let's see........yesterday, in Gym/P.E, we had to stay inside because it was cold and maybe it rained a little bit, but at least we didn't go outside. Last week we played flag tag and sharks and minnows for a "fun" activity. Now, it's fun because I get to run, but man.....who knew boys can be so competitive? Anyway, yesterday the rain and thunder (plus with the wind) was terrible. Oh lord, 1 day ago at night, I had the worst sleep paralysis. I thought I woke up, but didn't and then I started to hear voices call my name and I couldn't flippin move my body. I was scared and then finally my alarm woke me up and my freaking fingers are shaking. Ugh......why? Whenever you hear the nightcore version of a song, it sounds good and when you play the original song, it seems slow. I mean, really slow. I like nightcore, but that shall be another topic to talk about. Marco Polo..........Jean. What da heck? Have you guys heard of the "clowns" on the news? Apparently, some people in clown costumes are reported sighting all over the US. Burgundy told me that when she was going downstairs to the door, she saw a person in a clown costume and hid behind the stairwell and the person walked around the corner and just went off. Because she lives in a apartment (I think), she just rushed to the door and literally ran to the bust stop cause she was terrified. If I ever see one of them, I shall hit them with my shoe and just run like a bear is chasing me. Now I'm a bit scared, but I know how to protect myself.....kinda. I didn't went to church last Sunday because we had our general conference. It actually gave me a idea for a mini story about my OC. Oh, for Dance, we choose a song for our dance that we (the whole class) are gonna do to pass the final exam. I have a quiz this Thursday for Math and I am not excited by that, but I hope I do good. On Fridays, our school has a anime club and I really want to go, but then I don't. What to do? I might maybe make another story, but it's gonna be about my OC and some mini stories about her and the different places she goes to. Anyway, this is all! Thank you for following me and for the views. This is all! Bye!

A picture of a skull I drew at home

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A picture of a skull I drew at home. Pretty cool, right? It's not perfect, but eh....I love it.

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