November 9th, 2016

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Today for Gym/P.E, we went to the weight room. I maybe will be sore tomorrow, but my thighs are good and body also. Next week, the dance groups and Choir class are going to West Jordan High School to see their musical about "Shrek". I'm excited and happy because this is like the first field trip that I am going to. Last year was fun, but there want really a field trip for the 7th graders. I know in 9th grade, the students are going to Lagoon almost at the end of the year and for that, I am also excited, even though I'm in 8th grade. For science, we're doing a plant lab and that's where we're going to plant a plant and change the independent variable while the others stay the same. I'm also hyped for that and my teacher said we could choose our groups, but it needs to be three for each group. Me, Daisy, and another girl are in a group and I'm good with that. I've already finished my math homework and had piano lessons today. Yeah.....anyway, this is all! See you guys later! Bye!

How are you guys doing? Wait for my next chapter in one of my books cause it will be full of words. Yes, filled with words about our new president.....flippin Donald Trump....

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