October 31st, 2016

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HAPPY HALLOWEEN GUYS!!!! So, I went trick or treating around my neighborhood and me and my sitters for candy. It's like 8 here and tomorrow is a school day, which makes me not happy, but what can we do? For school, they'd allow the student to dress and of course, I did. I was supposed to be a wolf, but people thought I was a cat. Ehhhhh.....anyway, for the Gym, we played "Zombie Tag" and it's like tag, except Mr. Wouden and Ms. Wagner grouped together all of us and it was fun and sweaty at the same time. Then we played "Hunger Games" and it was ok. For Dance, we learned a dance thing and it was fun. We got candy afterword and it was M&M. Delicious. So, pretty much my school, day went good and in some of my classes, we watched movies. I was a bit surprised that some people didn't dress, but if they don't want to, then it's not my business. Tomorrow is Tuesday and it's so far away from Friday.....anyway, this is all! See you guys later!!!! AGAIN, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!! 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

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