Everything Is Lost

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Dropping Theo off in the Hospital Daycare, I hand Lizzie his bag and his jacket.

"Oh, bud. I will be back to later so we can go out and eat lunch, okay?"

"Okay, can we grab a pizza?" He asks as I fix his buttoned up shirt.

"Sure we can," I whisper to him before kissing the top of his head.

"Love you."

"Love you, too." He yells as he runs to say hi to Sofia.

"He's grown since the last time I saw him," Derek said.

"What are you doing here?" I gasp as I wrap my arms around him.

"I flew in this morning, heard about your news...so I came here. Back to work."

"Haha, I've missed you."

"Me too, maybe I can come join the pizza date?"

"I think he'd love that."

Walking beside Derek, we take the elevator up to the 6th floor.

"How many patients to do you have today?" He asked as I grabbed some files from the nurse's station.

"Um, 3 peds, 1 cardio, and 3 neuro. Why?"

"I heard how hard yesterday was for you, I thought I could help take some of the load."

"Thanks, but I'd rather work than think about what I'm going to deal with."

"What is that?" He asked as he sat down on one of the rolling chairs.

"April's baby, Catherine's anger...or and the fact that Jackson hates me."

"He actually said that?"

"If there was a camera in the supply closet I would show you...but sadly there wasn't."

"Hey, I'm sure he didn't mean it. He's angry and confused...that's what first-time fathers are like."

"I know, but why take your anger out on the one person that is trying to help."

"Probably because you have a son, a healthy one, I may add."

"Please don't."

Giving back some of the files to a nurse, I sign some papers first before saying goodbye to Derek.

"I have to go, I have to take a few tests on April."

"Good luck with that..."

Turning my back, I walk down the hall to Rm 134. 

"Here we go," I whisper as I hold onto the handle, take a breath, and step inside.

"Hey, I'm here for the test," I say to the both of them.

"I've already prepared her with the pain killers." Sara, a technician said.

"Thank you."

Grabbing some gloves from the counter, I put them on before I layer on antiseptic liquid on her stomach.

"Okay, you're gonna feel a little bit of pressure," I say to her.

Injecting a very thin needle into her bellybutton, a hold a gauze pad in my left hand to stop any form of bleeding.

"...And this will tell us conclusively if the Osteogenesis Imperfecta is type 2 or 3?" Jackson asked as I felt his eyes on me.


"It's probably type 3 though, right? I mean, so far there's been no indication of fetal distress." April asked as I take out the needle.

"Well, we'll know soon enough."

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