Our Change

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Running down the halls of the hospital, I pushed open the E.R. doors to run into a huge rush of patients.

"What's going on?" I asked Webber.

"Code Orange. I can use a hand here." He asked.

"Yeah. I need an intubation tray, stat!"

Taking off my coat, I slide my hand through the sleeves of my yellow gown before grabbing the chest tube.

"What do you hear?" I asked DeLuca, who was on Cardio for the day.

"Right-sided hemothorax."

"Okay. Put in a chest tube. It's already drained 300cc of blood." I ordered.

"Winnie, sweetie, we're right here." Her parents said.

"How old is she?" I asked.

"She's 12."

"We just went to get coffee. We were about a block away."

Glancing down to the bottom of the bed, I noticed the level of O-neg rising.

"This is fresh blood. She's actively bleeding." I blurted out.

"Okay. Mr. Adkins, maybe you and your wife should wait outside."

"No, no. I'm not leaving my daughter here. Please, no." She cried.

"Cross her for eight and set up a rapid infuser. I need a central line kit."

"Get the family out of this room," Webber ordered.

"Baby, we're gonna by right outside, okay?"

"I need some gloves."

Sliding my hands through the latex, I grabbed the scalpel and made a small incision on the right side of her ribs.


Walking out of the trauma room, Webber and I threw our gloves in the trash can before calmly walking out of the E.R.

"How are you doing with...all of this?" I asked Webber.

"What do you mean?"

"Dr. Minnick, she's been here for a few days and Bailey's been trying to convince me to hire her."

"I mean, she's good right?"

"She's a Sports-Medicine specialist, that should even be considered doctoring?" I hissed.

Opening the double doors, we headed towards the nurse's station and grabbed Winnie's file from the tablet.

"Well, she did tell me that she was going to catch me up to speed, whatever that means?" Richard whispered.

"Wait, she's here?"

"Yeah, I just saw her."

"I thought she wasn't officially back until Monday."

"Yeah, me too."

As we looked down at Winnie's scans, he overheard a crowd of people in the waiting room arguing about something.

"What's going on over there?" Jackson asked.

"I have no idea..."

"Dr. Shepherd. Dr. Webber, right?" Mr. Adkins said.

"Oh, yes."

"How is our daughter?"

"Winnie's injuries are very severe. Most urgently, she's bleeding into her chest." I said.

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