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I hate my sister.

Not even hate, more like despise.

Why? Because it's currently 3 a.m and there is a party being throwing in the living room. My parents are gone for the weekend so that means no sleep for me.

Besides the party, I still hate Sadie. I prefer my older sister, Ellie. We're not close but she's not an ass to me.

I cover my pillow over my ears, and I can still hear the screaming of teenagers partying. I just want to sleep.

Of course I'm the unpopular one in the whole house. Even if I'm not at the party downstairs, I'm still not welcomed. My sister wanted me to leave for the night because I'm not popular.

I'm shy and quiet. I also get bullied a lot by her friends or people she hangs out with. They call me names a lot.

Adam lives down the street, I'm just going to go there. I lock my door and slip on my hoodie and shoes. I have the key to unlock my door on the chain with my car keys. But, my Mother took my car because it has the most gas mileage. I roll my eyes. I don't know where the keys to her car is, and I don't want to go downstairs to look.

I slip out of my window and sit on my roof. I close the window then go down the ladder on the side. The roof isn't high, but I'm scared of heights. I do this a lot so I put the ladder there. My parents never noticed. I'm very unseen in this house, if that makes sense. I walk down the street and hear a voice call behind me.

I turn around and see Harry jog toward me.

Harry Styles.

Is walking toward me. Why? I don't know.

Him and my sister have been friends since they were five, he's never once talked to me. Or he has, and it was so unimportant I forgot.

"Hey." He greets me. His dimples on his cheeks. "What are you doing out this time of night?"

"Uh," I pause. "Go-going over a f-friends house." I mutter. Of course my stutter comes out. And of course I become all shy. I scowl to myself.

"Too loud at the house?"

"Y-yeah. Not really s-something to uh fall a-asleep to."

"Did you lock your door? I'd think you wouldn't want anyone having sex in your bed."

"I d-did." I really want to die now.

"Where is your friends house?" I point to the big house at the end. "Oh okay. Be safe, it's late and all." I nod. "Nice seeing you May." He walks away.

He knows my name?


"Hey, I was wondering how long you could stand the party." Adam greets me with a smile.

"Ha." I fake laugh. I plop down in his big bed.

"Was it as fun as I hear it is?"

"How would I know?"

"Can't you hear it?"

"Muffled screams." I say, he chuckles.

"Oh," He yawns. "I'm going to bed now. It's three in the morning."


I walk into my house the following morning at noon. "Oh god." I mutter. The house is filled with red and blue solo cups. Food is everywhere and it smells like liquor, smoke, and sweat.

"Hey." Harry appears with a garbage bag. A friendly smile on his lips.

"Hi." I murmur.

My sister appears. "Harry you don't have to talk to her." Sadie says eyeing me. "You don't have to be nice. What are you doing down here anyways?" She asks me.

"I uh, c-came home from A-Adams house."

"Sorry, I couldn't understand you over that stutter." I bite my lip and head to the stairs. I hear her laugh behind me.


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Tysm for reading my book! It means a lot


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