Forty Nine

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Today is Thanksgiving.

It's currently noon and the house is silent. Sadie left about an hour ago.

I bought myself tacos from taco bell yesterday to have for dinner today, since they won't be open.

I seriously should stop eating take out so much.

My phone buzzes and Harry's contact pops up.

Harry: r u sure you're gonna be ok

Me: staaaaap

Harry: :(

Harry: if you need me my phone is on, April ;)

Me: I forgot about that hahahahaha

Harry: ha ha ha ha

Me: have fun xxx

Harry: I'll try

Harry: want me to bring you left overs

Me: I'll be good with Taco Bell ,, ty tho

Harry: okay :(

Harry: I love you

Me: I love you toooooooooo have fun with your family

Harry: okay :(

I lock my phone and run my fingers through my hair. I hear the doorbell and my eyebrows furrow.

I walk toward the door and open it slowly. It's Adam. "Hey." He starts.

"Hi." I murmur.

"Happy Thanksgiving." He smiles softly.

"Thanks, you too." I mutter lowly.

"I uh, just wanted to come by and say that." He pauses and ruffles his hair. "And that I broke things off with Todd."

"Why?" I ask curiously. My eyebrows knotting together.

"Because I was dumb." He laughs. "I thought being with someone who was popular, hot, and liked me back was more important than you. You're fine the way you are May. And I'm sorry for what I said, I really am. You're my best friend and the sister I never had in one.

I don't care about parties and sex, and how you don't like that stuff. And I'm sorry I made you feel like shit for being you, when you're fine the way you are. I was just being a major tool and was trying to be someone that Todd could relate to."

"Oh." I murmur.

"Is there any chance you can forgive me?"

Harry POV

Sadie and I are in my kitchen making the salad.  "Are you still with that April girl?" Sadie asks.

"Yep." I say. A smile creeping onto my lips.

"When do I get to meet her?" I look to Sadie who is looking at me. "What? Is it too soon to meet the best friend?" She laughs.

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