Fifty Two

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Harry POV

It's nine o'clock in the morning and May's eyes open. They look tired.

"Good morning." I say, stroking her cheek.

"You have school, why are you here?" Her voice is hoarse and sick sounding.

"Because you're sick and I'm going to take care of you." I smile gently. "How are you feeling?"

"Like poo." She coughs then whinces after. I hand her a tissue and she smiles gently. "What about-"

"May," I say while looking at her. "Don't worry about Sadie or Ellie. Just worry on getting better. If anything, I don't care if they know I'm here taking care of you. You're my girlfriend who I love and I don't like seeing sick." May stays silent and sits up coughing. "Now, I'll get you some soup and ginger ale. I bought cough drops as well. 

The honey one helps your throat. My Mom recommended this certain type of cold medicine which I got for you. It's supposed to kill the virus quicker without making you drowsy. Uh," I pause. "No dairy, it will make you more ew feeling. So, I picked up a lot of chicken noodle soup and crackers to help you. Oh, and I got Vic's vapor rub."

May stares at me blankly. "You don't have to do any of this for me."

"I know." I stroke her hand. "But I want too. Sadie is at school and Ellie is downstairs. She knows about us, it was pretty hard for her not to, when I helped you last night. Anyways, I'll be back with the soup and stuff. Are you cold or anything?" She shakes her head. "I'll be right back." I stand from her bed and head downstairs to make the soup.


I sit besides May as she slowly sips her soup. We're watching a movie, but my focus is on her. The top of her nose is a bit red and so is under.

"Can I get you anything?" I ask.

"No, I'm fine." May smiles gently. "You're doing more than I could ever ask." I kiss the top of her head then her very hot forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too." May says making my insides heat.

"I'm going to go downstairs and clean the pot. When I come back I'll give you your medicine." May nods and sips her soup.

As I'm walking downstairs I start to think. I stop half way into walking and feel sick myself.

I started talking to May for a bet.

What the fuck? Why?

I feel like crying. Actual tears are threading to pour out of my eyes. I can't tell May. I can't tell her that the only reason why I talked to her as because of a stupid deal that I made with Karen.

But I did stop it within two or so weeks of knowing May. That was before we were even friends. Does that count for something?

No, of course not. All she'll hear is that it was a bet and that's the only reason why I talked to her.


If May and I ever do decide to tell people Karen would be the first to tell May about the deal between us two. It took me months to even get May to kiss me first or talk to me about her problems, and even cuddle into me without me making the first move.

I touched her...

"Fuck." I slide down the wall and put my head in my hands. Tears stream down my cheeks. She trusted me fully that night. She let me see her bare and touch her in a way that she never has experienced before.

I can't lose her. She's the only thing of happiness in my life. She's the only thing that makes me feel like I can be a good person. I can't see the sadness grow in her eyes or her walls being put up again.

I can't tell her. I can't risk us not being a couple anymore.

But she deserves to know.

I wipe my eyes and run my hand through my hair. My heart pinches at the thought of the whole school mocking her saying I used her. I didn't though. I forgot about everything before our relationship. I forgot about Karen and the stupid deal I made with her.

She won't believe me.

She won't care about what I have to say.

More tears cloud my eyes and my lip begins to quiver. May is my....everything. I'm so in love with her it scares me.

I never thought I would feel this way about anyone after Lily. I was positive that I wouldn't picture a future or a relationship with anyone else.

But I was wrong.

The only girl I feel connected too is upstairs.

I was different when I first talked to May. I wasn't this Harry who actually took care of people. I didn't care about the other girls feelings then, and the sex was meaningless. I wasn't me then.

I'm going to tell her.

I will tell her before we ever go public. She deserves it. My heart pinches harshly at the thought of her yelling at me and crying.

I can't see her cry.

I stand up from the wooden floor and wipe my eyes. I can't lose May. I just can't. I don't care about anyone else but her. I'd give up being popular, having friends, anything just so she can be mine.

I know this good position we are in won't last forever. I know when I tell her, things will change. I just have a feeling she won't want me anymore. My eyes tear up and I take a deep breath.

I'll just worry about now...


I return back upstairs with the ginger ale and medicine. She's blowing her nose and coughing.

"Hey baby." I place stuff on her nightstand. "Feeling the same?"

"Sadly so." I kiss her forehead. She ate half of her soup.



"You know I love you, right?"

"Yeah." She chuckles.

"You know that will never change?" May bites her lip and furrow's her eyebrows.

"You good?" I nod with a gentle smile.

"Yeah, I'm just making sure you know that." I kiss her cheek. "Was the soup hot?"

"It wasn't that bad." I nod. I hand her the ginger ale and May chuckles. Her soft, small hand takes the drink and smiles softly. And I lick my lips and take a deep breath. My heart is beating against my chest harshly.


lol so i went to do homework after i posted chapter 50 and i come back with nearly 100 comments hahaha

so, as promised here is another update

thoughts? comments? ideas?

comment goal: 20

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